Luxury Cruises on Lake Kariba

Lake Kariba is the world’s largest man-made lake (by volume), renowned for its wonderful scenery, ex- cellent wildlife and fishing and magnificent sunsets.

The recent introduction of luxury cruises gives visitors a chance to expe- rience the splendour of Lake Kariba in elegance, comfort and style.

Zambezi Cruise Safaris has a fleet of stunningly furnished boats, offering cruises that traverse the full 270 kilometre length of the lake, between Victoria Falls and Kariba, passing through beautiful bays and islands and exploring in and around the wonderful Matusadona National Park. Passen- gers can relax and enjoy the wonderful scenery or take part in some of the many on board activities on offer. A variety of part- ner products are on offer, from the lake shores of the Matusadona National Park as well as some of the finest safari lodges, camps and mobile operators in Mana Pools, Hwange National Park and Victoria Falls.

The cruises are unique to Zimbabwe, unlike anything offered before, boasting an all-round luxury experience, from cabin and cuisine to the African bush surrounds.

Bookings can be made as a group or as an independent traveller. Twin and double cabins are available, as well as family rooms on option. All cruises run on an all inclusive basis, ensuring you are fully catered for from the moment you step aboard with meals, drinks and boat based activities. Full charter options for conferences, private groups, wedding and functions are also available.

Join us aboard these unique floating hotels and experience the best of Kariba, a fantastic way to link with Victoria Falls, Hwange National Park, Livingstone, Chobe and Mana Pools.

For further info please contact:

General manager Byran Rocher : gm@dunhura-

Marketing manager Karen Lowe : marketing@

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